Essential OT Companion

Essential OT Companion

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Another Good Interview

I just finished an interview with Martin Tanner of KSL Radio. We spoke about my books the Essential Old Testament Companion and Return Unto Me, my Book of Abraham lectures, and the Book of Abraham in general. He was great to work with. He took my wife and I on a tour of KSL studios beforehand, which we enjoyed. The interview will be broadcast on KSL radio (1160 am 102.7 fm in Utah) this Sunday at 6:30 am, 10 am, and 9:30 pm. When it is archived I will post the link here. Hope you all enjoy!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Interview available

The interview with Carole Makita of KSL radio and tv about my book Return Unto Me is now available online.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I just finished an interview with Carole Makita about my book Return Unto Me. (see  I feel like it went well (Carole is so good at this she made it easy). It will air on KSL radio (1160 AM, 102.7 FM in Utah, or online at on Sunday morning (Sept. 22), at 8 am and again at 5 pm (MDT). Pass the word along to anyone you know who might be interested. I think we will do another interview another time about The Essential Old Testament Companion.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I am so pleased. I will be interviewed by Carole Makita for KSL radio next Tuesday about my Old Testament books, and by Martin Tanner of KSL radio the week after about my Book of Abraham lectures. I am so happy to be able to get some help in spreading my message!


I have done classes at BYU for over a week now. So far they are going well. I am really enjoying it! The students here are so great.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Comment from reader

"There are so many great insights in this book! The short modules and conversational tone make it a must-have for gospel doctrine teachers or anyone who wants to better understand the Old Testament. I plan on buying my own copy soon!"

Hitting the Bookstores

I just had two books and a lecture series on cd come out. The books are on the Old Testament and the lectures are on the Book of Abraham. 

One of the books, "Return Unto Me" has a lot of my heart and soul in it, and I feel so strongly that its message will make such a huge difference for each person who reads it. 

The Essential Old Testament Companion will help every one understand the Old Testament and see how it applies to their life.

The Book of Abraham lectures will help answer questions so many people have about the Book of Abraham.

These items are available at Seagull Books and Amazon, and should be in Deseret Book next week.

I would love it if you would like their facebook pages. You can also check them out on their blogspot pages. We are hoping to create a flurry of activity online so that more people can learn about the messages I am trying to convey in these publications. I think they have important messages. Hope you will check it out, like it, and share it.  Thanks! 
